New Jersey One Call
New Jersey, partners since 2010
2023 Ticket Totals
Inbound: 808,003
Outbound: 4,492,013

Ticket Check Implementation and Campaign
New Jersey One Call has been utilizing OCC’s Ticket Check® software for electronic positive response for several years. When a new administrative law required facility operators to use the system in 2022, NJOC and OCC swiftly responded by making necessary software adjustments and developing a successful public awareness campaign about the change.

Public-Facing Ticket Search
In response to receiving calls from the public inquiring about markouts on residential properties or from contractors asking about the status of their markouts, New Jersey One Call reached out to OCC for a solution. OCC was able to take an existing product – Search & Status® – and customize it to New Jersey’s exact needs. To make it even more accessible, markout flags now include a QR code linked to the software.

Latitude/Longitude Placement on Outbound Tickets
After launching a successful pilot project to test the concept, New Jersey One Call and OCC now include the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of identified excavation sites in outbound tickets to all interested facility operators. The operators have shared that this data has been extremely helpful when determining mark out locations.