Miss Utility
Western Shore Maryland and Washington D.C., Partners since 1982
2023 Ticket Totals
Inbound: 943,334
Outbound: 8,648,529

Software Adaptations in Response to Legislative Changes
After a new Maryland state law was passed in 2021, OCC worked with Miss Utility to adapt existing software in alignment with the legislative changes that impacted facility operators and excavators. Consistent communication led to a successful effort and a swift response in compliance with the new law.

Phased Approach to Legislative Change
In 2022, the state of Maryland passed a bill that allowed excavators to select a start work date between three and 12 days from the date of notification to Miss Utility. OCC quickly launched a phased approach to accommodate this change and promptly address ticket volume load balancing.

Stakeholder Collaboration and Communication
The District of Columbia made substantial changes to their Underground Facilities Protection Code in 2022 that affected several aspects of the ticket submission and response process. With careful planning and collaboration, the implementation of extensive system and process changes, as well as efforts to notify the excavating community, were successful.