Missouri 811
Missouri, partners since 2002
2023 Ticket Totals
Inbound: 1,140,929
Outbound: 5,733,223

Collections and Accounting
A value-added service, OCC manages utility billing and invoicing services on Missouri 811’s behalf. By managing these services, along with bookkeeping and follow-up collections, Missouri 811 can focus more on other damage prevention needs.

Utility Membership Support
OCC supports Missouri 811 in addressing the dynamic needs of the state’s many utility members by assisting in finding solutions to maintain operational and service flow for both the member and the notification center.

Partnering to Employ Missourians
Missouri 811 and OCC’s combined efforts to create sustainable employment opportunities have resulted in creating an additional 50 local jobs that contribute to the success of the damage prevention industry while providing Missourians with stable employment.