Kansas 811

Kansas, partners since 1987

2023 Ticket Totals

Inbound: 685,666
Outbound: 3,744,674

Kansas Wheat Field


Kansas Damage Prevention Council Website Development

When the KSDPC was established, one of the council’s primary goals was to plan and hold the first Kansas Safety Summit. To support their efforts, Kansas 811 and OCC worked together to develop a KSDPC website where users can register to attend, sign up to be an exhibitor or sponsor, or find information about the event – resulting in a highly effective marketing tool!

Response to Legislative Changes Impacting Membership

In 2009, the state of Kansas enacted new legislation that introduced three “tiers” of membership based on type of facility and number of customers serviced by the facility operator. Kansas 811 and OCC collaborated to rapidly address the significant changes needed to accommodate this new legislation, including changes to locate request processing, outbound tickets, and reporting tools. Careful planning has ensured all of these changes were successful and still in place today.


Turn-Key Website Development and Support

When Kansas 811 had been experiencing difficulties with a costly third-party vendor that managed their website, OCC offered to redevelop and host the website at no cost to Kansas 811. The process allowed for adding in new features, including electronic membership forms. Since the new site was launched, the OCC Creative team has continued to support and maintain it.

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